Fitness Tip #4

Q: What are five things you can check off each day to ensure that you are moving in the direction of optimal vitality?

A: We can apply scientifically researched methods to a checklist to improve our health and fitness. Each day we need a checklist that we can aim to complete. This is an easy method to start a habit that favors a healthy lifestyle.

  1.  Did I sleep enough? Some people need 7-9 hours of sleep each night to feel recovered. 
  2. Did I eat a high-quality breakfast? Charles Poliquin has an excellent article on breakfast and how to maximize your productivity. Meat & Nuts
  3. Did I exercise? Walk, lift, sprint, jump, swim, row, etc. just don't make excuses.
  4. Did I enjoy the community? You should have friends and relationships that make you happy. It's best for everyone to have a training partner or a group of like-minded individuals to support and encourage each other. This is why group training models work so well.
  5. Did I take time to disconnect, relax, and reflect? If you find yourself in front of the screen too much and not engaged with your surroundings try switching your phone to airplane mode unless you need to use it. 


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