Fitness Tip #7

Q: How do I get abs? 


A: This is a question I get constantly. Unfortunately, as a society, we are misled by "fad routines and diets" that claim to give people abs with no effort or change in lifestyle. As far as abs go, bro-science holds true with these two categories. 


Category 1: Good genes.... Thanks, mom & dad. You can eat whatever you want. Drink whatever you want and still be lean and mean. Cold ones and pizza three nights a week and you still wake up shredded. Lucky you, not so lucky you if you continue this type of lifestyle as you age. 


Category 2: You must EAT CLEAN and Workout 2-10 times a week to get lean and sport the fully defined Rectus Abdominis.  


There is not a secret exercise or program that will get you there any faster. However, there are exercises you can do that are far superior for improvements in body composition. Adding in compound movements like chin-ups, deadlifts, squats, and presses are more beneficial than isolation ab exercises. High-intensity interval training (go hard then rest) is favorable for burning body fat. Do not take two steps forward with good training and three steps backward with bad nutrition. You will never get tickets to shred city if all you do is easy workouts and eat terribly. More importantly, if you want to live in shred city, training hard and eating clean must be part of your lifestyle. The good news is once you have reached a lower body fat you can define and sculpt for even more likes on Instagram. 

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