
Showing posts from 2018

Fitness Tip #7

Q: How do I get abs?         A: This is a question I get constantly. Unfortunately, as a society, we are misled by "fad routines and diets" that claim to give people abs with no effort or change in lifestyle. As far as abs go, bro-science holds true with these two categories.       Category 1:  Good genes .... Thanks , mom & dad. You can eat whatever you want. Drink whatever you want and still be lean and mean. Cold ones and pizza three nights a week and you still wake up shredded. Lucky you, not so lucky you if you continue this type of lifestyle as you age.       Category 2:  You must EAT CLEAN and Workout 2-10 times a week to get lean and sport the fully defined  Rectus Abdominis.        There is not a secret exercise or program that will get you there any faster. However, there are exercises you can do that are far superior for improvements in body composition. Adding in compound movements...

Fitness Tip #6

Update: You still can't outrun a bad diet. Anyone looking to make an improvement in body composition should focus on the first food items you consume. The desired improvements will not occur overnight, but consistency will get you there. We've all been informed that a good breakfast is important to have a productive day. Yet, many of us have been misled with foods that can set us up to crash by noon. This crash results in a host of issues, like reaching for excessive caffeine or more unhealthy food choices. Charles Poliquin, the greatest strength coach of all time was known for his recommendation of the Meat & Nut Breakfast . I look forward to a ribeye cut, pistachios, and some raspberries to get my day going. Quality is important. I use Butcher Box for my grass-fed/finished beef. 

Fitness Tip #5

Q: Can I just work out more? A: Fitness and Vitality work hand and hand. We should follow a well-developed exercise program and eat high-quality food. You can't outwork a bad diet. Even if you're lean by the grace of good genetics you should still be fueling your body correctly. Doing more is good (sometimes). If you have an experienced coach and programmer you shouldn't have much left in the tank after finishing a workout. Athletes should be looking forward to recovery methods (post-workout nutrition, a wheelchair, elevators, naps, etc) after workouts, as they should be.

Fitness Tip #4

Q: What are five things you can check off each day to ensure that you are moving in the direction of optimal vitality? A: We can apply scientifically researched methods to a checklist to improve our health and fitness. Each day we need a checklist that we can aim to complete. This is an easy method to start a habit that favors a healthy lifestyle.  Did I sleep enough? Some people need 7-9 hours of sleep each night to feel recovered.  Did I eat a high-quality breakfast? Charles Poliquin has an excellent article on breakfast and how to maximize your productivity.  Meat & Nuts Did I exercise? Walk, lift, sprint, jump, swim, row, etc. just don't make excuses. Did I enjoy the community? You should have friends and relationships that make you happy. It's best for everyone to have a training partner or a group of like-minded individuals to support and encourage each other. This is why group training models work so well. Did I take time to disconnect, relax, and ref...

Fitness Tip # 3

Consistency Q: Coach what is something I can easily do to ensure I will get the most out of a strength and conditioning program? A: Consistency.   Keep showing up and give your best effort every time. There are always circumstances and events that are unplanned that can get in the way (this is life). The most important thing is that as soon as you can, get right back on track! Don't beat yourself up because you got the flu, a flat tire, etc. This is not an excuse to go back to being lazy! Everyone is going to encounter a roadblock at some point. It's what you do after those moments that will allow you to continue to make GAINZ!